Super Cool Central - air conditioning and refrigeration specialists.

The best in the midlands.


24 HOUR CALL OUT: 0800 334 5243    OFFICE:  Mon - Fri: 8.30AM - 5PM

 cert construction line A UK register of pre-qualified construction services for both public and private sector procurement. ConstructionLine is a part of the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS).
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cert refcom elite The Refcom Elite Register - The register of companies competent to handle refrigerants in the UK. Refcom Certification Ltd - Appointed by DEFRA to issue company certificates under EU/UK F-Gas Regulations 2009.  
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cert refcom fgas From 4 July 2009 it became a legal requirement for all businesses that install, maintain or service stationary refrigeration, air-conditioning and/or heat pump equipment containing or designed to contain F-Gas refrigerants to obtain an F-Gas Company Certificate.
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cert safe contractor SAFEcontractor is a leading Health and Safety pre-qualification assessment scheme. Under which businesses are vetted on their HS & E policies and procedures, as well as their safety record.
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 cert chas CHAS is established as the market leader for health and safety pre-qualification in the UK. It is available to suppliers (those who provide goods and services) and to organisations (buyers) looking for suitably competent suppliers.
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 altius logo Members of the SSIP (Safety Schemes In Procurement), members of The British Safety Council, ROSPA Member, FSB Member, BSI UKAS, assuring customers of conformity to HSE regulations.
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